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How We Helped Raise $327,500 for Rock the River 


The Video

We created a high-quality video that tells the story of the Greenway Foundation. We used this video to educate a group of individuals in the Denver region about TGF’s work. Meanwhile, we also targeted the video towards people who are already TGF supporters.  


After we educated potential supporters and re-energized existing supporters, we followed up with targeted content that encouraged them to support the Rock the River event.

noun_Quote_14163.png delivered an incredibly inspiring and informative video that details the historical and ongoing work of The Greenway Foundation. Their talents and professionalism made them a joy to work with and the final product is second to none!

Ryan Aids

Development Director 

Greenway Foundation

ryan aides.png


White Dollar Sign

raised for Rock the River

How we helped elevate the
Colorado Parks Foundation with a new video and website

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