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Garrison Ortiz Headshot 2.jpg
How P2P Texts Helped Garrison Ortiz Win in a Landslide


Garrison was locked in a seemingly tight race that was quickly turning dirty. His opponent's Independent Expenditure Committee was slamming the electorate with texts claiming that Ortiz was corrupt. The exact opposite was true. It was the opponent who was corrupt. The Ortiz campaign enlisted Effct to talk with voters about Garrison's work and vision creating a more ethical city government.



Within two days, Effct had started its texting campaign in partnership with the Ortiz campaign led by Campaign Manager Ed Perry.


By June 30, we had coordinated 50 volunteers to send 100,000 text messages to a target group of approximately 30,000 voters.


These texts earned an engagement rate of 29%, which is nearly three times the industry average. Simply outstanding.


On Election Day Ortiz won in a landslide, earning nearly 64% of the vote.

Garrison Ortiz Logo.jpg
Garrison Ortiz Election Results.png
Ortiz' margin of victory
engagement rate of first campaign (3x industry average)
volunteers coordinated
total campaign investment: at ~4¢ per message
total texts sent in campaign
Garrison Ortiz City Headshot.jpg

The Effct team helped us launch a large yet economical text messaging campaign in just a few short days. Over the course of a few weeks they coordinated our large volunteer base to send 100,000 texts to highly active voters. We appreciated their prompt and ongoing support in helping us with the strategy, messaging and execution of the campaign. Texting with Effct was an important part of our massive 2-1 victory for Pueblo!

Garrison Ortiz

Pueblo County Commissioner


State-of-the-art Strategies

1. Ask an engaging question

Ask voters interesting questions like, "what issue matters most to them" or what's their biggest concern in the community. This will lead to a high response rate as well as voters respecting that you actually care about their opinions. Once they've answered, reply with your candidate's position on that issue.


2. Use Multimedia Messaging

By texting voters an image your messages will stand out, and garner increased attention.


3. Use an Economical Provider

Gone are the days of 8 and 10 cent messages. With Effct, you invest just 4 cents per text for an entire managed service including, strategy, copywriting, replies, and tagging.


4. Segment Your List

Consider sending pertinent messages to voters based on their demographics like age, sex and political party.


Sample Texts


In the News

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"Pueblo voters reject dirty campaign in re-electing Ortiz"

"The intelligent Pueblo electorate delivered a powerful message concerning the brand of politics it will tolerate in its community with the landslide victory it delivered for Garrison Ortiz and the colossal defeat it handed Abel Tapia in the race for County Commissioner."

- Dennis Maes, Editorial in The Pueblo Chieftain

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"Pueblo power shifts again"

"Ortiz crushed Tapia... So it’s a new day in Pueblo. The power void still exists, but it is clear that Puebloans want more than ugly campaigns. They want thoughtful, analytical leaders who don’t do things 'the way we always have.'"

- Steve Henson, Editor, The Pueblo Chieftain

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